Finance Info Assistance LTD
Reg Num 130997190
VAT Num: BG130997190
Address: 8 Vrabcha Str, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Phone: + 3592 932 7100
Bank account in BGN Bank: Central Cooperative Bank BIC: CECBBGSF IBAN: BG82CECB97901003328004 |
Bank account in EURO Bank: Central Cooperative Bank BIC: CECBBGSF IBAN: BG48CECB97901403328001 |
Finance Info Assistance EOOD is registered in the Commission For Personal Data Protection with certificate number 1168 as administrator of personal data in the Register of personal data controllers and the registers kept by them.
Finance Info Assistance EOOD with certificate number BGR00262 issued by the Bulgarian National Bank on the basis of Art. 3a, para. 1 of the Law on Credit Institutions and Art. 7, Para. 2 of Ordinance 26 of April 23, 2009 of BNB and Order N 22-2310/24.10.2011 of the Deputy Governor of BNB leading management “banking supervision” is entered as a financial Institution in the Register under Art. 3, Para. 2 of the Law on Credit Institutions.
By order BNB-52008/29-05-2015 of the Deputy Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank leading the management “Banking Supervision”, Company “Finance Info Assistance” Ltd is re-registered in the Register of Financial Institutions under Art 3a, par. 1 of the Law on Credit Institutions under Reg. number BGR00262.